today, an older man from London sent me a message on my interpals account it is probably the kindest thing anybody has ever said to me

he is a snippet from it

“You are an inspriation. Hold on to your dream. Let your light Shine. No matter what, when the going gets tough or rough patches emerge, remember that darkness falls in life but we know, too, that no matter how dark the night, the sun will always rise.”

it was just such a kind thing that it really made my day today just reading this message that came completely out of the blue.

in other news, tracer and genji are busted characters and overwatch sucks. today im pretty sure guy who was calling me a cheater in a FFA, on my first map with him I was playing symmetra. and he said something like “wow knit going to get banned over a non-ranked match” and i was pretty purplexed with what he was trying to get at then next match, petra, i decided to play Mei, and then he said something like “wow ez aimbot report lol”

I’ll never forget you MLGDark, you stupid idiot.

thank you for reading.